One Thin Rope- It was Enough

By: Becky Sparks - VolunteerOnce again, we had truck challenges-- due to the deeply rutted roads we had to travel on. Outside one village, our truck ended up with the support beams of the truck balancing on a concrete beam-with the front tire barely touching ground and the rear tires unable to get traction either.What to do?The men of the village said "We will get a rope". Looking at the rope, I had doubts - but decided that at worst we would move to the next level of help if the rope broke (A tow truck was not an least for several days.)With the rope on the rear of both vehicles; with wheels straightened; in low gear and steady pressure on gas pedal, the engine was strong enough, the traction was just enough, and the truck moved. (I'm pleased that Angels decided to help too!)Go to Honduras and experience life in dynamics that are faith building!


This is I why I became a Nurse


Telling Time and God's Timing