
Honduras Good Works is a nonprofit organization that strives to improve the lives of the Honduran people through education, health care, and community development. We believe that every person deserves dignity, opportunity, and hope. By partnering with local leaders and volunteers, we provide services that address the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the people we serve. Honduras Good Works is more than just a charity; it is a movement of compassion and empowerment that nurtures the spirit of the Honduran people.

Beliefs, Hopes, Dreams, Ambitions, Faith: these inner strengths are what separate us from all other forms of life on earth. For a large portion of the rural Honduran population, they are without hope. They dare not dream of a better quality of life, of jobs that provide for their families, or of education for their children. They exist day to day, survive day to day.

Honduras Good Works embraces the belief that we are not the ones who can alter the destiny of the Hondurans we serve. It is the Hondurans themselves who must do so. But we can provide some hope and tools that make it possible for them to take control of their lives. We are a Christian organization with roots in the Episcopal Church, but we welcome all who share in our ideals to join us in this important work.

Team members at the Houston airport

The Spirt of our team is visible in smiling faces.   Passion and dedication shows in what we do. 

We start every day with a morning service, where we share our gratitude, our hopes and our challenges. We pray together and sing together as we fill our hearts with joy and love.

Eating together is not just for nourishment of our bodies.  Our souls are nourished as well. We share our personal stories with each other, and get to personally connect with culture, struggles, and hopes.  We share gratitude, stories, and faith. 

Serving and connection are the major focus of all we do.   As we prepare supplies for the next day’s clinics, we are aware that every bandage, every medicine, and every pair of reading glasses we pack will be of value to someone in need.   Our efforts change the health experience in small and larger ways