HGW Scholarship Committee
Students Working
Five members of the scholarship committee recently traveled to Honduras for the annual meet-up with our students and their parents. Of the 214 students on scholarship, about 180 were able to attend one of the day long meetings held over the 3 day trip. Selvin and Armando, two young men who received their education through our program basically led the programs for the kids and their parents. They are so appreciative of the education they have received, they love giving back to the program. At a recent board meeting, it was agreed to increase the scholarships to $300 a year for high school, and $1000 a year for university students, due to inflation. We also will begin a scholarship program for trade schools for some high school graduates. The committee will need further data on costs and numbers of students who would want this benefit- but it is likely a lot! Dr. Alina Ramos, as chair of HGW, went for her first time on the scholarship trip this year. In her words:
This was my first scholarship trip and it was a true blessing to be able to go. It was an eye opening experience. I felt I knew enough about scholarships but talking to these kids, their parents and the leadership of these communities gave me new perspective on the Honduras education system and how we have impacted these communities. The scholarships have caused a tremendous shift in education especially in the more isolated, distant villages. There is no way parents of these villages could afford the transportation and supplies necessary for their children to go beyond the 6th grade (primary education). The lives of the parents is mostly agrarian for men and housekeeping for women. Some had only a 3rd grade education, and some, 6th grade. In one generation (20 years of scholarships) we have changed all that! The scholarship kids are finishing 12th grade. They are more confident and hopeful of their future. I was amazed by how they were so thoughtful and willing to help each other. They have dreams of what they want to be and many of them want to be professionals. Also, there is a fair number of kids that have dreams of owning an auto shop or being electricians, or being hairstylists, further evidence we really need to support scholarships for technical school-as we are beginning to do. Even when I talked to a kid that was full of giggles (and we certainly have some of those) once they start thinking, they have profound thoughts about their future, the future of their communities and Honduras.
I think Honduras Good Works can be very proud of the impact that has been made in such a short time in this area of Honduras. I cannot be any more proud of the group that I went down with and our Honduras Good Works community. We are truly being the hands and feet of our dear lord Jesus Christ.
Group of Scholarship Students
Selvin Talking to Students