2024 Brigade Report
Another amazing medical brigade is history! One of our best yet! A team of 50 from the US and 32 from Honduras spent a week together serving 2200 villagers in rural Honduras with medical and/or dental care. We divided into 4 teams so that a total of 20 villages were visited over 5 days. There was a lot of road reconstruction(which is great!), which caused our drives to be long, and our days to be very long! But everyone had a great attitude and God provided a way for us to get all the work done.
Some of our medicines (2500 pounds worth!) were shipped down ahead of time, and thankfully cleared customs and were waiting when our early team arrived. We also purchased a large supply of medicines from a local pharmacy in Honduras, and these were also delivered. Our early team, 10 from the US and 6 from Honduras, then spent a very busy 3 days packing meds for the brigade. Fifteen of our high school scholarship students came one day and did an amazing job packing up over 200,000 vitamins for us.
Medicines Arrived in Time!
HGW Scholarship Students Packing Medicines
During the brigade, people with chronic conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes had meds refilled, some for as much as a year. They were instructed to follow-up with their local “guaradianes de salud” to monitor their blood pressure and blood sugars monthly. A day of instruction was given to the guardianes, and a local Honduran doctor, Dr. Francis has agreed to be the local liaison with them—for questions, and for regular quarterly training. We are very excited to see the Guardianes improve their skills so that this follow- up can be integral to the care of our patients with chronic illnesses. Fluoride treatments were given to children to help prevent decay. Parasite medicines and vitamins were in high demand.
Guardiana Training
We also had a team of 3 local Hondurans conduct 3 days of training for home water filters in Zarzal, providing hygiene education and filters for 45 additional families. Rev. John Roberts of Grace Church, Corpus Christi, Texas has been instrumental in raising money from his church to provide for these extra filters and was pleased to get to witness first- hand the preparation and training involved. Rev. John explains, “Success for me, is about significance, to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is significance!” We, and the villagers in Honduras, are very grateful for his ongoing support of the water filter program.
Water Filter Training
In summary, one participant said "It absolutely reminded me of what we are called to do- to praise God with our service of those most in need. My heart was full every single day even as I came home tired. I left the trip with my spirit invigorated and recharged. It was a true blessing!
"THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE THIS BRIGADE A SUCCESS. WHETHER YOU PRAYED FOR US, DONATED SUPPLIES, LABELLED BAGGIES, PACKED HYGIENE ITEMS OR FUNDED A PARTICIPANT. YOU ARE WHAT MAKES THIS POSSIBLE! We encourage all who are interested in joining our brigade next year to contact us at info@hondurasgoodworks.org. We really need more non-medical helpers! You are vital in helping get all the work done.